27 juin 2019

Nouvelles références IOTA

Durant le forum IOTA à Friedrichshafen, Roger G3KMA a annoncé la création de 6 nouveaux IOTA:

- AS-206; JA0, 1, 2, 7, Honshu's Coastal Islands East, Japan
- AS-207; R0K, Chukchi Sea Coast Centre group, Chukotskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug, Russia - Asia
- OC-298; FO, Tatakoto Atoll, Tuamotu Islands, French Polynesia
- OC-299; V6, Yap East group, State of Yap, FSM
- OC-300; T31, McKean and Nikumaroro Atolls, Phoenix Islands, Central Kiribati, Kiribati
- SA-101; CE0, Alejandro Selkirk Island, Juan Fernandez Archipelago, Chile

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